Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Clinton and Stacy

My camera is MIA. I had it on Sunday night, and now it is nowhere to be found. I do remain optimistic that it is somewhere in my possession, but a more extensive search may be warranted at this point. Therefore, I do not have Thanksgiving pictures today as promised. Hopefully they will be coming, perhaps fashionably late.

Speaking of fashion, TLC's "What Not to Wear," with Clinton Kelly and Stacy London is my favorite (currently running) TV show. Alas, I do not have cable at home, and up until this weekend, can't remember the last time I even turned on a TV. Because of this, I tend to pack in episodes when I eventually do have have some form of access to cable. Karen said that I must have watched at least ten episodes over the weekend, but I would say it was more like five. Regardless of the number, I loved them all and enjoyed every minute. I love Clinton and Stacy.

In addition to a massive intake of "What Not to Wear," which I might add Karen's sister, Martha, graciously TiVoed for me, which allowed me to watch so many episodes in a row sans commercials, I also spent a lot of time not being a couch potato. We ran the Dan Gibbon's Turkey Trot on Thursday morning in Elmhurst, which was a 5k fun run. And of course I am friends with people whom felt that distance was not enough for a day's run. So, in addition to the race, that morning I also ran from downtown packet pick-up to Marath'a house, from the house to the race, and from the race back to the house, which in total made for a nine-mile run. Seriously, why must I be friends with these crazy people.

Our Thanksgiving meal was very nice at Martha's, who is Karen's oldest sister. It was the Mittelstadt sisters (Martha, Karen, Sue, and Kate) along with Sue's husband, Martha's husband and three daughters, and me! But by now, I am seriously like part of the family. Although I generally hate Thanksgiving foods (turkey, stuffing, cranberries, blah), it was a very good meal and I especially enjoyed the gravy, stuffing, and french silk pie (which Karen and I picked up from Baker's Square earlier in the day). The rest of the weekend was spent shopping (I felt the great need to put my newly acquired "What Not to Wear" knowledge to use), playing with Martha's daughters (aged 3, 5, and 8, who are like nieces to me...sometimes they even call me Aunt Kristin :), spending time with Karen's family and friends, going out to dinner, and completing daily morning runs. It was a fantastic weekend spent with, what has become my second family.


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kristinleigh said...

say what?